AVT2 (YEL064C)

Gene profile

Gene name: AVT2
Reference locus (S288C): YEL064C
Gene biotype: protein_coding

Description: Vacuolar amino acid transporter 2; Putative transporter; member of a family of seven S. cerevisiae genes (AVT1-7) related to vesicular GABA-glycine transporters

Top 10 interactors (score): OXP1 (0.76); NPR2 (0.697); CAN1 (0.596); YEL068C (0.591); AVT1 (0.574); APC2 (0.569); MBR1 (0.568); ALP1 (0.529); RMD6 (0.506); SPE4 (0.501); ADE3 (0.485); LST7 (0.465); TRP5 (0.465); FOL1 (0.463); RPC11 (0.46); UIP5 (0.453); YIL067C (0.453); ADE8 (0.45); IMD4 (0.415)

Homologues (species, bitscore): SLC38A11 (Homo sapiens, 171.8); Slc38a11 (Mus musculus, 191.4); Slc38a11 (Danio rerio, 204.5); slc38a11 (Xenopus tropicalis, 162.5); CG13743 (Drosophila melanogaster, 192.6); Y51F10.4 (Caenorhabditis elegans, 65.5); AT1G80510 (Arabidopsis thaliana, 120.6)

External links:
Saccharomyces genome database (SGD)
STRING database
UniProt Knowledgebase
Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG)
UCSC Genome Browser

Comparative analysis of strains

Search table

strain assembly application macro_region gene_coord geneID rnaID protID %id %cov_exon status copyNumber copyID nORFs match_ref_CDS validORF missing_startCodon missing_stopCodon outOfFrame_stopCodon
AKU4011 GCA_001738255.1 Sake Asia CM005299.1:24199-25641:- gene-YEL064C_AKU4011 rna-NM_001178879.1_AKU4011 cds-NP_010850.1_AKU4011 99.6 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
BG1 GCA_001932575.1 Bioethanol South America MSHP01000075.1:54863-56305:+ gene-YEL064C_BG1 rna-NM_001178879.1_BG1 cds-NP_010850.1_BG1 99.5 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
Bruggeman GCA_001738585.1 Bread Not Applicable CM005507.1:27714-29156:- gene-YEL064C_Bruggeman rna-NM_001178879.1_Bruggeman cds-NP_010850.1_Bruggeman 99.9 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
CAT1 GCA_001738705.1 Bioethanol South America CM005523.1:26154-27596:- gene-YEL064C_CAT1 rna-NM_001178879.1_CAT1 cds-NP_010850.1_CAT1 99.3 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
CBS1585 GCA_001738375.1 Sake Asia CM005363.1:24150-25592:- gene-YEL064C_CBS1585 rna-NM_001178879.1_CBS1585 cds-NP_010850.1_CBS1585 99.9 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
CBS436 GCA_001738355.1 Sake Asia CM005347.1:25202-26644:- gene-YEL064C_CBS436 rna-NM_001178879.1_CBS436 cds-NP_010850.1_CBS436 99.6 100.0 Mismatch 1 1 1 False True False False False
CBS6412 GCA_001738345.1 Sake Asia CM005331.1:24389-25831:- gene-YEL064C_CBS6412 rna-NM_001178879.1_CBS6412 cds-NP_010850.1_CBS6412 99.9 100.0 Mismatch 1 1 1 False True False False False
CBS6413 GCA_001738265.1 Sake Asia CM005315.1:29046-30488:- gene-YEL064C_CBS6413 rna-NM_001178879.1_CBS6413 cds-NP_010850.1_CBS6413 99.9 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
CENPK1137D GCA_000269885.1 Laboratory Not Applicable CM001526.1:27643-29085:- gene-YEL064C_CENPK1137D rna-NM_001178879.1_CENPK1137D cds-NP_010850.1_CENPK1137D 100.0 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 True True False False False
EthanolRed GCA_001738615.1 Bioethanol Asia CM005475.1:23965-25407:- gene-YEL064C_EthanolRed rna-NM_001178879.1_EthanolRed cds-NP_010850.1_EthanolRed 99.7 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
FaliES1 GCA_001738715.1 Bioethanol Asia CM005539.1:24228-25670:- gene-YEL064C_FaliES1 rna-NM_001178879.1_FaliES1 cds-NP_010850.1_FaliES1 99.7 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
JAY291 GCA_000182315.2 Bioethanol South America ACFL01000427.1:32404-33846:+ gene-YEL064C_JAY291 rna-NM_001178879.1_JAY291 cds-NP_010850.1_JAY291 99.6 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
MUCL30387 GCA_001738515.1 Bread Europe CM005411.1:28155-29597:- gene-YEL064C_MUCL30387 rna-NM_001178879.1_MUCL30387 cds-NP_010850.1_MUCL30387 99.7 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
MUCL30388 GCA_001738495.1 Bread Europe CM005443.1:24268-25710:- gene-YEL064C_MUCL30388 rna-NM_001178879.1_MUCL30388 cds-NP_010850.1_MUCL30388 99.9 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
MUCL39482 GCA_001738235.1 Sake Asia CM005283.1:23517-24959:- gene-YEL064C_MUCL39482 rna-NM_001178879.1_MUCL39482 cds-NP_010850.1_MUCL39482 99.9 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
MUCL42920 GCA_001738485.1 Bread Europe CM005427.1:28147-29589:- gene-YEL064C_MUCL42920 rna-NM_001178879.1_MUCL42920 cds-NP_010850.1_MUCL42920 99.8 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
NCIM3186 GCA_001029075.1 Bioethanol Asia CP011814.1:29796-31238:- gene-YEL064C_NCIM3186 rna-NM_001178879.1_NCIM3186 cds-NP_010850.1_NCIM3186 99.6 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
NCYC1407 GCA_001738225.1 Sake Asia CM005267.1:28615-30057:- gene-YEL064C_NCYC1407 rna-NM_001178879.1_NCYC1407 cds-NP_010850.1_NCYC1407 99.9 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
PE2H3 GCA_905220325.1 Bioethanol South America HG994144.1:32607-34049:- gene-YEL064C_PE2H3 rna-NM_001178879.1_PE2H3 cds-NP_010850.1_PE2H3 99.6 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
PE2H4 GCA_905220315.1 Bioethanol South America LR999876.1:28540-29982:- gene-YEL064C_PE2H4 rna-NM_001178879.1_PE2H4 cds-NP_010850.1_PE2H4 99.2 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
S288C GCF_000146045.2 Laboratory Not applicable NC_001137.3:29797-31239:- gene-YEL064C_S288C rna-NM_001178879.1_S288C cds-NP_010850.1_S288C 100.0 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 True True False False False
SA1 GCA_004114265.1 Bioethanol South America SDIA01000053.1:55667-57109:+ gene-YEL064C_SA1 rna-NM_001178879.1_SA1 cds-NP_010850.1_SA1 99.5 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
ThermosaccDry GCA_001738605.1 Bioethanol Asia CM005491.1:24628-26070:- gene-YEL064C_ThermosaccDry rna-NM_001178879.1_ThermosaccDry cds-NP_010850.1_ThermosaccDry 99.7 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
VR1 GCA_001738595.1 Bioethanol South America CM005459.1:23835-25277:- gene-YEL064C_VR1 rna-NM_001178879.1_VR1 cds-NP_010850.1_VR1 99.2 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
ZTW1 GCA_000308935.1 Bioethanol Asia AMDD01000009.1:23562-25004:- gene-YEL064C_ZTW1 rna-NM_001178879.1_ZTW1 cds-NP_010850.1_ZTW1 99.6 100.0 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False
Sparadoxus GCF_002079055.1 Not applicable Not applicable NC_047491.1:27976-29427:- gene-YEL064C_Sparadoxus rna-NM_001178879.1_Sparadoxus cds-NP_010850.1_Sparadoxus 87.9 99.8 Verified 1 1 1 False True False False False

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